Diapherodes gigantea

Pterinoxylus crassus
Paul D. Brock, Author & Editor,
The Natural History Museum, London
David C. Eades, Database Developer,
Illinois Natural History Survey
Daniel Otte, Major Contributor,
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Ed Baker, Assistant Editor,
University of York,
The Natural History Museum, London
Thies Büscher, Assistant Editor,
Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany

Phyllium giganteum

Agathemera maculafulgens

Dryococelus australis
Book published November 2022: Brock & Büscher, Stick and leaf-insects of the world, Phasmids. NAP Editions (includes world checklist of species), see https://www.napeditions.com/en/71-stick-and-leaf-insects-of-the-world.html Phasmid Studies Vol 21 was published on 31 Dec 2022 and papers have been uploaded
The Phasmida Species File (PSF) is a taxonomic database of the world's Phasmida (stick and leaf insects, known as walking sticks and walking leaves in the U.S.), excluding fossil species. There is full synonymic and taxonomic information for more than 3,500 valid species [+187 subspecies], 45,000 citations to 3,500 references, 8,600 specimen records and 20,900 images of 84% of valid species, with more being added to on a regular basis.
To see information contained in the database, use the links across the top of the
page. Click on
Search to find a specific taxon or other kinds of information. Clicking
on Taxa will make the
order Phasmida your current taxon unless you have previously moved to a different
taxon in this session.
This website and database use Species File Software. Information about the
design and use of SFS may be found on a separate website.
Other Places to Start
Please send comments and questions about the database and its development to Paul
(send mail). When referencing this website, please use the following
format: Brock, P.D., Büscher, T. & Baker, E.
Phasmida Species File Online. Version
5.0/5.0. [retrieval date]. <http://Phasmida.SpeciesFile.org>.
Use http://Phasmida.SpeciesFile.org
to bookmark the PSF website.
List of Experts
Leading specialists and others with a serious interest in the fauna have taken responsibility
to review information in their areas of expertise — taxonomic and/or geographic.
An explanation of participation in the development
of the PSF is also available. The following lists geographic locations associated
with the name of the phasmid taxonomist.
If a region or country is not given, please contact
Paul D. Brock