Phasmida Species File (Version 5.0/5.0)
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Data for specimen record

Current: species Heteronemia unidentatus (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1907)
Historical: Bacunculus unidentatus; syntype of species Heteronemia unidentatus (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1907); cited by Brunner von Wattenwyl. 1907. (Usually bound in one volume, Brunner & Redtenbacher 1906-08, published in three parts: Redtenbacher 1906, 1908; Brunner 1907). Die Insektenfamilie der Phasmiden. II. Phasmidae Anareolatae (Clitumnini, Lonchodini, Bacunculini). Phasmiden:181-338, pls 7-15
Basis of record: not specified
Counts: Immatures 1
Depository: NHMUK, London NH Mus.; catalog number 845242
Data source: not recorded
Other: note, female
Mexico: Jalisco; Modern (is included in map)
Collecting event
[no data recorded]
female juv. (syntype), copyright Natural History Museum, London
female juv., lateral view (syntype), copyright Natural History Museum, London
female juv., data labels (syntype), copyright Natural History Museum, London
Ecological relationships      

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